Lady macbeth character traits
Lady macbeth character traits

lady macbeth character traits

I think Macbeth deserves what he gets in the end (death) because if he was still alive he may kill more people, thinking that they will find out what he has done. His paranoia takes over him and he becomes the cold-blooded killer at the end of the play. At the commencement, she has far greater strength of will than her husband. Since Macbeth is easy to control, he Lady Macbeth forces Macbeth into killing Duncan in the beginning by questioning his manhood and by taunting him aggressively and Macbeth gives into his wife in the end. I think that Macbeth does deserve what he gets in the end because after he killed Duncan, he would not stop killing other people close to him. Of all Shakespeares female characters Lady Macbeth stands out far beyond the rest remarkable for her ambition, strength of will, cruelty, and dissimulation. Lady Macbeth is the more dominant partner who is able to control him and persuade him to do things he doesn’t want to.

lady macbeth character traits

The largest influence to his change in personality is Lady Macbeth. His submissive personality makes his easy for Lady Macbeth to do whatever she pleases with him. It is alos partly his fault because he is very submissive and gentle, making him a very easy target to control. By making him feel confident, Macbeth feels as if he is invincible. Also, the fake apparations the witches and Hecate create give Macbeth too much confidence in his plans. If the witches didn’t toy with him, maybe he would become king “naturally” instead of committing all the ludicrous murders of innocent people. However I feel that he also brought this upon himself. I feel empathy for Macbeth because his dramatic change in personality in scene 5, line 17-28 is mostly due to Lady Macbeth and the witches.


Plus Macbeth goes on to kill more people that are close to him (like Banquo), making him lose his sub-conscious thinking. He also becomes a person who feels that life is unimportant, and everyday “creeps at this petty pace” (scene 5, line 20) he sees no reason to live anymore and each persons impact on the world “signifies nothing”(scene 5, line 28). I wasn’t surprised with Macbeth’s personality change in the final act because anyone who is forced to kill a close friend will have become deeply affected by it. He feels no remorse when Lady Macbeth is dead, saying that she was going to die anyway. In scene 5 line 17, he says, “she should have died hereafter” when he hears about Lady Macbeth’s suicide. He has no emotion and does not care anymore what happens to him. In the final act of Macbeth, he becomes an cold, ruthless killer.

Lady macbeth character traits